HoloSnaps Free iPhone App - A Simple Way to Make Holographic Cards. Embraceware Software offers the
HoloSnaps iphone application
which converts three photographs of yours to form holographic cards.
However, the technical aspect is something different, and the exact term
would be ‘
lenticular cards’
which are textured cards showing different pictures when viewed from
different angles. In fact, it can be thought of as an analog version of
animated GIF.
You can create your own cards by selecting three images of your choice in this
Holosnaps free iphone app. Select the first image
and scale
it by zooming either in or out with regular pinch gestures. With a
finger, drag the photograph to select a part of it for your card. Your
images can be taken with the iPhone’s camera, or else you may use the
images in your photo library.
I found that the procedure was smooth with
pictures in an iPhone’s camera roll. However, when I tried to take a
new picture to use, just before I hit the Use button, the entire process
started all over again. So,
HoloSnaps app with freshly taken
photos was not possible. In my procedure, I took the three photographs
outside the application, opened HoloSnaps and went on with the option
for existing photos. Perhaps this bug will be fixed in an update.
After selecting the images of your preference, you may
preview the resultant product, and then save the card to your gallery.
The gallery
consists of an appealing glass case, having shelves to place your
creations. It is possible to arrange and fit your cards on these
shelves by dragging and dropping them. Just tap a card to view it, and
it is picked up by a swooping robotic arm, and your card is displayed.
You may tilt the device on either side to view the transition from one
image to another, quite like the lenticular card. As you view the
sequence of images, the effect that is rendered resembles an animated GIF. Overlaid with a striped texture, the cards actually appear close to real lenticular cards.
HoloSnaps app is quite suitable for a nice entertainment. Its attractive
interface is simple to use rendering amazingly cool holographic cards.
Its one dollar price seems fair enough considering the fact that it may
perhaps be used a good number of times before it is forgotten.
You could
get this Holosnaps for ipad, ipod touch and iphone Here. it Require iOs 3.1.3 or later.