Bouncedown game for iPhone, ipad or iPod touch you
attempt to survive as long as you can without falling prey to the
ceiling or the furnaces below you. Bouncedown gives you three options
for moving your little slime ball. Using touch you can touch either side
of the screen to move your slime that direction. If you use Track
Control then wherever you move your finger on the screen that is the
direction your character will go. Finally you can use the tilt feature o
f the Iphone or Ipod Touch in order to move the slime.
BounceDown game for iphone, ipad or ipod touch
platforms that you bounce on are your way of gaining some benefits or
possibly some negative effects. There are normal platforms, bouncing
platforms, and moving platforms that are all self explanatory. In
addition there are growth, shrink, and cloudy platforms. Which cause you
to expand and move slower, shrink and move faster, or vanish from under
you unless you’re small, respectively.
Bouncedown iPhone game
is fast-paced and can be difficult to start playing. I died quite a few
times when it initially started because I thought my slime ball was
going to continue to move at all times, but instead it stays in the
middle of the screen unless you move it. The platforms come up from the
bottom and you must stay in the middle or risk being squished in the
spikes at the ceiling or burning in the flames at the bottom. Bouncedown
has some decent background music, but cannot be turned off unless you
turn down the volume all the way on your device.
Grab this Great Bounce Down Gam